Long-Covid — risk decreases

Dr. Medi­men­tum
The Long-Covid-Syn­­­dro­­me with its diver­se sym­ptoms occurs during or after a COVID-19 infec­tion, some­ti­mes twelve […]

RKI — Autumn 2022 Covid-19 trends in Germany

Dr. Medi­men­tum
SARS-CoV‑2 con­ti­nues to cir­cu­la­te among the popu­la­ti­on and can spread whe­re­ver peo­p­le gather. After the […]

MyAirShield — protection against viruses, bacteria and germs

Dr. Medi­men­tum
Acti­ve clea­ning of the air with MyA­ir­Shield MyA­ir­Shield is worn around the neck and increases […]

First indications of inflammatory micro-clots in the blood of people with Long COVID

Dr. Bea­te R. Jaeger
New rese­arch shows that over­loa­ding various inflamm­a­to­ry mole­cu­les lite­ral­ly “trap­ped” in inso­lu­b­le micro­sco­pic blood clots […]

Apheresis: Effective Long COVID Treatment

Dr. Bea­te R. Jaeger
Novem­ber 11, 2021 — A rese­arch team from the Depart­ment of Phy­sio­lo­gi­cal Sci­en­ces at the […]

Preparation for the practice with in-die-praxis.de

8He­alth-Manage­ment UG
How do I start as a doc­tor in the prac­ti­ce? Learn the most important basics […]

5 Self-Help Tips for Depression by HelloBetter

GET.ON Insti­tut für Online Gesund­heits­trai­nings GmbH
If you are suf­fe­ring from depres­si­on, it’s a big step to think about self-help. The […]

Corona online course – Calm through the crisis with HelloBetter

GET.ON Insti­tut für Online Gesund­heits­trai­nings GmbH
Hell­o­Bet­ter – mana­ge your own men­tal health and impro­ve your qua­li­ty of life – anywhere […]