Two people in biological protective clothing go down a flight of stairs.

Long-Covid — risk decreases

The Long-Covid-Syn­dro­me with its diver­se sym­ptoms occurs during or after a COVID-19 infec­tion, some­ti­mes twel­ve weeks later. The occur­rence is also cha­rac­te­ristic after a mild or mode­ra­te pro­gres­si­on and/or a pha­se of inte­rim impro­ve­ment. Shif­ting and over­lap­ping clus­ters of sym­ptoms can affect any sys­tem in the body.

Dif­fe­rent stu­dies docu­ment very dif­fe­rent fin­dings of the long-Covid-Syn­dro­me, depen­ding on the type:

  • Green­halgh, T., Knight, M., Court, C., Bux­ton, M., & Husain, L. (2020). Manage­ment of post-acu­te Covid-19 in pri­ma­ry care. BMJ, 370:m3026. DOI:
  • Lopez-Leon, S., Weg­man-Ost­ros­ky, T., Perel­man, C., Sepul­ve­da, R., Rebol­le­do, P.A., Cua­pio, A., & Vill­a­pol, S. (2021). More than 50 long-term effects of Covid-19: a sys­te­ma­tic review and meta-ana­ly­sis. medRxiv, 2021.01.27.21250617. DOI:
  • Huang, C., Huang, L., Wang, Y., Li, X., Ren, L., Gu, X.,& Cao, B. (2021). 6‑month con­se­quen­ces of Covid-19 pati­ents dischar­ged from hos­pi­tal: a cohort stu­dy. Lan­cet, 397, 220–232. DOI: S0140-6736(20)32656–8
  • Town­send, L., Dowds, J., O’Brien, K., Sheill, G., Dyer, A., O’Kelly, B., … & Bannan, C. (2021). Per­sis­tent poor health post-Covid-19 is not asso­cia­ted with respi­ra­to­ry com­pli­ca­ti­ons or initi­al seve­ri­ty. Annal­sATS. DOI:–1175OC
  • Mah­mud, R., Rah­man, M., Ras­sel, M., Monay­em, F., Sayeed, S., Islam, M. S., & Islam, M. M. (2021). Post-Covid-19 syn­drom among sym­pto­ma­tic Covid-19 pati­ents. A pro­s­pec­ti­ve cohort stu­dy in a ter­tia­ry care cen­ter of Ban­gla­desh. PLOS ONE, 16(4). DOI: https://

The current study by the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK)

Accor­ding to a cur­rent ana­ly­sis by Tech­ni­ker Kran­ken­kas­se (TK), around one per­cent of their employ­ed insu­red per­sons were cer­ti­fied as long-Covid in 2021. In 2020, a COVID-19 infec­tion was detec­ted in the­se medi­um PCR tests. The avera­ge dura­ti­on of the absence from work was 105 days, the avera­ge of the insu­red was only 14.6 days a year. The TK suspects a high num­ber of unre­por­ted cases due to impre­cise defi­ni­ti­ons of the long-term con­se­quen­ces and the abun­dance of long-Covid symptoms.

Long-Covid — risk decreases

Accor­ding to a long-term stu­dy of 2,560 employees in nine Ita­li­an health­ca­re faci­li­ties from March 2020 to April 2022, the risk of long-Covid ill­ness was 48 per­cent in the first wave and has now fal­len to 17 percent.

A group of rese­ar­chers from King’s Col­lege Lon­don exami­ned more than 7,000 long-Covid suf­fe­rers and published their results in the jour­nal “Lan­cet”. As a result, the risk of long-term con­se­quen­ces of a Covid-19 dise­a­se cau­sed by the Omic­ron virus vari­ant fell by around 50 per­cent com­pared to the Del­ta variant.


  • Tech­ni­ker Kran­ken­kas­se (TK)
  • Jamanet­work
  • The Lan­cet–2/fulltext

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