General practitioners in Wilmersdorf 34 Jahre Erfahrung

Dr. med Jan Lokies

030 885 666 11 | 12

The car­dio­lo­gi­cal focus of the group prac­ti­ce includes, in addi­ti­on to the inter­nal medi­ci­ne spec­trum, the non-inva­si­ve dia­gno­sis and the­ra­py of coro­na­ry heart dise­a­se, heart fail­ure, acu­te myo­car­di­al infarc­tion and fol­low-up care as well as dia­gno­sis and the­ra­py of heart val­ve defects, car­diac arrhyth­mi­as and vas­cu­lar exami­na­ti­on of the arte­ries sup­p­ly­ing the brain. Sta­te-of-the-art equip­ment is available for this.

Our services

  • Res­t­ing ECG
  • Exer­cise ECG
  • Long-term ECG (recor­ding up to max. 72 hours)
  • Pul­mo­na­ry func­tion examination
  • Echo­car­dio­gra­phy (ultra­sound scan of the heart)
  • Dopp­ler exami­na­ti­on of the ves­sels sup­p­ly­ing the brain
  • Dopp­ler exami­na­ti­on of the ves­sels sup­p­ly­ing the extremities


Cardiology, General Medicine

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MyAirShield — protection against viruses, bacteria and germs

Active cleaning of the air with MyAirShield MyA­ir­Shield is worn around the neck and increa­ses air puri­ty ele­gant­ly and com­for­ta­b­ly. Low doses of chlo­ri­ne dioxi­de gas are released and form a kind of pro­tec­ti­ve shield around…