Dr. Beate Jaeger 30 Jahre Erfahrung

The labo­ra­to­ry doc­tor and inter­nist Dr. med. Bea­te Roxa­ne Jae­ger is the direc­tor of the Lipidzen­trum-Nord­rhein (Wert­gas­se 35, 45468 Mül­heim / Ruhr) and has been trea­ting pati­ents with seve­re lipid meta­bo­lic dis­or­ders (the­ra­py-refrac­to­ry hyper­cho­le­ste­ro­le­mia) and the resul­ting seque­lae with the so-cal­led H.E.L.P. aphe­re­sis (hepa­rin-indu­ced extra­cor­po­re­al LDL / fibri­no­gen pre­ci­pi­ta­ti­on) for years.

H.E.L.P. apheresis and the Long Covid / Post Covid Syndrome

Miss Dr. Jae­ger descri­bes how the expe­ri­ence in the use of H.E.L.P. aphe­re­sis can be appli­ed to the tre­at­ment of Long Covid / Post Covid patients.


H.E.L.P. aphe­re­sis (hepa­rin-indu­ced extra­cor­po­re­al LDL pre­ci­pi­ta­ti­on) is the focus of Dr. Bea­te R. Jae­gers tre­at­ments. Diet­rich Sei­del, for­mer medi­cal direc­tor at the Groß­ha­dern Cli­nic in Munich, and Hein­rich Wie­land, for­mer pro­fes­sor at the Insti­tu­te for Cli­ni­cal Che­mis­try at the Uni­ver­si­ty Cli­nic in Frei­burg, are con­side­red to be the dis­co­ve­rers of this process.

The H.E.L.P. pro­ce­du­re has been an available and estab­lished sys­tem for 36 years and is used annu­al­ly in around 3,000 pati­ents in Ger­ma­ny. The HELP aphe­re­sis is pri­ma­ri­ly aimed at pati­ents with the most seve­re, other­wi­se the­ra­py-refrac­to­ry hyper­cho­le­ste­ro­le­mia and coro­na­ry heart dise­a­se (2009; Natu­re Cli­ni­cal Prac­ti­ce Car­dio­vas­cu­lar Medi­ci­ne; DOI: 10.1038 / ncpcardio1456 and 2003; The­ra­peu­tic Aphe­re­sis and Ana­ly­sis; DOI: 10.1046 / j.1526–0968.2003. 00072.x). Later it was used suc­cessful­ly, among other things, for the pre­ven­ti­on and the­ra­py of Graft Ves­sel dise­a­se after a heart trans­plant and for the the­ra­py of hyperlipoproteinemia.

In addi­ti­on to LDL, VLDL, and Lp (a), inflamm­a­ti­on media­tors, fibri­no­gen, pro­in­flamm­a­to­ry adhe­si­on mole­cu­les and other cyto­ki­nes are also eli­mi­na­ted here. This con­ti­nuous rem­oval of coagu­la­ti­on and inflamm­a­ti­on para­me­ters impro­ves organ blood flow and faci­li­ta­tes oxy­gen exchange.

The pro­ce­du­re is con­side­red to be extre­me­ly well tole­ra­ted, is com­pa­ti­ble with anti­vi­ral drugs and anti­co­agu­lants, and pati­ents most­ly find the pro­ce­du­re plea­sant and often feel a signi­fi­cant impro­ve­ment after the first few treatments.

In the first step, the plas­ma is sepa­ra­ted from the other blood com­pon­ents. The sepa­ra­ted blood plas­ma is mixed with a hepa­rin ace­tate buf­fer, which lowers the plas­ma pH. This results in the bin­ding of LDL‑C, Lp (a), fibri­no­gen to hepa­rin. The hepa­rin-pro­te­in pre­ci­pi­ta­tes are eli­mi­na­ted from the plas­ma cir­cuit through a fil­ter and the excess hepa­rin is adsor­bed with the aid of a polyan­ion exch­an­ger. The phy­sio­lo­gi­cal plas­ma con­di­ti­ons are then res­to­red by bicar­bo­na­te dia­ly­sis and ultra­fil­tra­ti­on and retur­ned with the cel­lu­lar components.

Long Covid / Post Covid Syndrome 

So far, more than 3.5 mil­li­on peo­p­le in Ger­ma­ny have con­trac­ted Covid-19 and are con­side­red to have reco­ver­ed. But one in ten, i.e. around 350,000 peo­p­le, con­ti­nue to suf­fer from various long-term effects such as extre­me exhaus­ti­on, breathing dif­fi­cul­ties, chest and joint pain, odor dis­or­ders and per­sis­tent fati­gue (CFS: chro­nic fati­gue syn­dro­me). One in five peo­p­le also expe­ri­ence psy­cho­lo­gi­cal sym­ptoms such as anxie­ty, depres­sed mood and sleep dis­or­ders after a coro­na infec­tion. Around 50 dif­fe­rent sym­ptoms have now been described.

Dr. med. Bea­te R. Jae­ger takes on this cli­ni­cal pic­tu­re and sug­gests the extra­cor­po­re­al pro­ce­du­re for long-covid the­ra­py — in par­ti­cu­lar to main­tain the micro­cir­cu­la­ti­on of the lungs. Dr. Jae­ger points out that the importance of H.E.L.P. aphe­re­sis for COVID-19 the­ra­py is actual­ly main­ly due to the obser­va­tions of the patho­lo­gists, becau­se they descri­bed the gene­ra­li­zed endo­the­lii­tis asso­cia­ted with COVID-19:

“Viru­s­es have alre­a­dy been detec­ted in the alveo­lar epi­the­li­um and in the endo­the­li­al cells of decea­sed COVID-19 pati­ents. They show a pic­tu­re of a simul­ta­neous mas­si­ve inflamm­a­to­ry and pro­co­agu­la­to­ry acti­va­ti­on with cell necro­sis, throm­bi and mas­si­ve fibri­no­id depo­sits in the micro­cir­cu­la­ti­on of the lungs. The­se fibrin depo­sits stick tog­e­ther the lung tis­sue and mas­si­ve­ly hin­der the gas exch­an­ge ”. This means that H.E.L.P. aphe­re­sis can be used as a pro­mi­sing the­ra­peu­tic approach for Long Covid Syn­dro­me due to its anti-inflamm­a­to­ry and anti­co­agu­lant effects.

Who is affected by Post Covid?

Long Covid or Post Covid Syn­dro­me can occur in all age groups (from child­ren to adults). Regard­less of the seve­ri­ty of the coro­na infec­tion — from asym­pto­ma­tic to seve­re — Long Covid can sever­ely impair the qua­li­ty of life of pati­ents over a long peri­od of time.
Dr. Jaeger’s goal is to increase public accep­tance and awa­re­ness of Long Covid, initia­te tre­at­ment approa­ches and rese­arch on the topic, and help Long Covid pati­ents to res­to­re their qua­li­ty of life.

In the past few months, Dr. Bea­te R. Jae­ger more than 100 pati­ents with the most seve­re long-covid sym­ptoms with the H.E.L.P. aphe­re­sis. The the­ra­py results that have been good so far will soon be available as a study.

Dr. Jaeger’s work and research focus

Dr. med. Bea­te R. Jae­ger stu­di­ed medi­ci­ne in Essen and Zurich from 1986 to 1993. In 1994 she wro­te her dis­ser­ta­ti­on in endo­cri­no­lo­gy for a doc­to­ra­te in medi­ci­ne at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Essen on the sub­ject of “Thy­ro­id meta­bo­lism in chro­nic hemo­dia­ly­sis pati­ents” with Prof. Dr. D. Rein­wein with the rating “Magna cum laude”.

Dr. Jae­ger main­ly focu­ses on the pat­ho­bio­che­mis­try of meta­bo­lic dise­a­ses and thus also rese­arch into the cau­ses of chro­nic and acu­te inflamm­a­to­ry pro­ces­ses of the endo­the­li­um. Endo­the­li­um is the inner skin of lymph and blood ves­sels. It repres­ents a pro­tec­ti­ve shield within the ves­sels that regu­la­tes the exch­an­ge of sub­s­tances bet­ween tis­sue and blood. In addi­ti­on, the endo­the­li­um adjus­ts various pro­ces­ses in the micro­ve­s­sels, such as the abili­ty of the blood to flow, for exam­p­le by inhi­bi­ting and acti­vat­ing coagu­la­ti­on processes.

Her cli­ni­cal stu­dies on the ori­gin and deve­lo­p­ment of atheros­cle­ro­sis, athero­throm­bo­sis, hemo­sta­sis and rheo­lo­gy have con­tri­bu­ted to the deve­lo­p­ment of new pre­ven­ti­ve and the­ra­peu­tic stra­te­gies. Mean­while, Dr. Bea­te Jae­ger is an inde­pen­dent cont­act for ques­ti­ons about atheros­cle­ro­sis and its tre­at­ment and the­ra­py with H.E.L.P. aphe­re­sis (hepa­rin-indu­ced extra­cor­po­re­al LDL / fibri­no­gen precipitation.

So far, Dr. Bea­te R. Jae­ger has published more than 50 sci­en­ti­fic artic­les in spe­cia­list jour­nals, inclu­ding Lan­cet, Natu­re CP Car­dio, NEJM and PLOS One. In 2009 she was award­ed the Sci­ence Pri­ze of the Ger­man Socie­ty for Nephrology.

Medical focus

  • Lipo­pro­te­in meta­bo­lism dis­or­ders (dys­li­po­pro­te­ine­mia)
  • The­ra­py-refrac­to­ry hyper­cho­le­ste­ro­le­mia with the resul­ting atheros­cl­ero­tic dise­a­ses (stro­ke, heart attack)
  • Dis­or­ders of pri­ma­ry (cel­lu­lar) and secon­da­ry hemo­sta­sis (plas­ma­tic blood coagulation)
  • Rheo­lo­gi­cal dis­or­ders (micro­cir­cu­la­to­ry dis­or­ders with an increased risk of cere­bro­vas­cu­lar com­pli­ca­ti­ons such as peri­phe­ral arte­ri­al occlu­si­ve dise­a­ses, heart attacks


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