plate of food

Delicious food despite long Covid

Do you feel per­sis­tent exhaus­ti­on sin­ce a coro­na infec­tion? Your appe­ti­te or tas­te is redu­ced? Do you find shop­ping and coo­king difficult?

We have invi­go­ra­ting, fla­vorful food made from fresh, local ingre­di­ents. Com­pi­led and pre­pared by pro­fes­sio­nals. Com­bi­ne exci­ting, invi­go­ra­ting dis­hes and sim­ply enjoy at home.

In the mar­ket of our new web­site you will find ever­y­thing you need for a satis­fy­ing meal despi­te ill­ness, easi­ly and con­ve­ni­ent­ly. Natu­ral, regio­nal ingre­di­ents, the best pre­pa­ra­ti­on, balan­ced ingre­di­ents, expres­si­ve tas­te for the joy of eating.

Be inspi­red by our ran­ge of gre­at menus, which you can put tog­e­ther from com­pon­ents as you wish. Eat at home like in a star kit­chen, wit­hout coo­king. Easi­ly heat the ingre­di­ents in a water bath rea­dy to eat.

Visit us now on!

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